How you use logic and intuition when making decisions
Tip of the day!
Use your logical mind to work out your day to day issues, but use your inner vision to guide your direction.
Theme of the day
We want to continue to build on what we’ve explored in our previous blog, and in particular, we would like to start with one of the questions that came up:
“Am I well prepared to perform my tasks in a meaningful and secure way today?”
I assume that you, as a cybersecurity specialist, have taken the time to answer this particular question already.
You had a chat with your superior to understand what he expects from you as a cybersecurity specialist. Your manager expressed appreciation for the work you do. Receiving recognition and appreciation is something you consider important.
Bingo! Your manager confirmed that you always act according to the imposed security and privacy policies of your company. You are one of the cybersecurity teleworking heroes of the company! But, there is also something else. You received feedback about the fact that you have to focus more on delegation instead of doing all the work yourself. Yes, you know, but one of the big missing things in your company is there is not always time for reflection.
Always “go, go, go, go! Do, do, do, do!”
This morning, your manager contacted you about an incident. He expects that you make the right decisions ASAP to solve a security breach in a newly developed web application.
After analyzing the problem, you were able to detect a critical issue by running a vulnerability scan, and by investigating the problem. You know what the problem is. Isn’t that wonderful? It is part of your nature to tend to examine facts and situations logically. You are an analytical guy/girl!
It is your normal tendency to logically examine the situation instead of using hunches to help make decisions. But today, and in the future, you have to delegate more frequently instead of doing the work yourself. You have to transfer the job to someone else. But to whom? You have to decide.
However, this blog isn’t about whom of your colleagues is best suited to adjust the correction in the software. This blog is about how people make decisions.
Let us now play a second game great business people and teleworkers play. It is the Game of how you use logic and intuition when making decisions.
Playing this game is also quite easy as long as you follow the next underlying rule:
Use analysis combined with intuition to solve problems, e.g., finding the cause of the security breach in the application and appointing someone to resolve the issue.
In a nutshell, people that tend to use both analysis and intuition are probably good at problem-solving. Their tendency to use both left and right brain functions enables them to sense the essential factors while at the same time, arrive at logical conclusions. This frequently gives them greater insight into situations and problems.
Ask yourself
As cybersecurity experts, we tend to be more analytical than intuitive in decision making. You may usually prefer not to use intuition to help make decisions, probably only occasionally. The following questions can help you to boost your intuition:
“What decision do I need to make?”
“What goals am I trying to achieve related to that decision?”
“What are the possible ways I could proceed to achieve those goals?”
Reflect on each possible direction. “What does it feel like?”
“What information do I need to make a better decision?”
“How could I gather the information I need?”
Research and analyze the information required. “What is my new conclusion about this decision?”
After reviewing all hunches and analyzing additional information, make a final decision.
“Did my intuition help me to make my decision?” “If so, how did it help?”
My next blogposts unravel the secrets behind Managing Security Risks. Stay tuned!
Take care of yourself! Take care of each other!